The Cambridge to Oxford Connection

concorso di idee

consegna entro il 3 agosto 2017

The National Infrastructure Commission e Malcolm Reading Consultants lanciano il concorso di idee The Cambridge to Oxford Connection con l'obiettivo di raccogliere, mostrare e promuovere proposte visionarie per integrare il "placemaking" con i progetti infrastrutturali proposti nell'area di Cambridge - Milton Keynes - Oxford e Northampton.

La competizione, articolata in due fasi, richiede ai partecipanti la presentazione, in un primo step, di un concept che risponda alla domanda: qual è la visione di sviluppo delle aree oggetti di intervento? Quali sono le tipologie progettuali capaci di creare un collegamento tra le infrastrutture esistenti, la pianificazione e la creazione di posti di lavoro?

Le proposte dovranno concentrarsi su tre possibili ambiti: intensificazione urbana, da attuare sugli insediamenti esistenti, sia nel centro che nei sobborghi; luoghi collegati, intesi come i progetti legati all'infrastruttura esistente di un insediamento urbano esistente; luoghi autonomi, ovvero nuovi insediamenti progettati in modo tale da essere autonomi in termini di esigenza, mantenimento e gestione delle proprie infrastrutture urbane.

The National Infrastructure Commission and Malcolm Reading Consultants today [30 June 2017] launched an ideas competition that calls for forward thinking, imaginative proposals to integrate sustainable placemaking with development and new infrastructure. The focus for the competition is the arc encompassing four of the UK's fastest-growing and most productive centres: Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Northampton and Oxford.

This is a two-stage competition. At the first stage, competitors are asked to submit details of their proposed team and an emerging concept which addresses the following overarching question: what is your vision for future development, and related development typologies, across the Cambridge - Milton Keynes - Oxford growth corridor, which creatively links existing, planned and proposed infrastructure with placemaking?

The emerging concepts, which will be judged anonymously, should address development typologies across one of three high-level groupings:

  • Urban Intensification: those developments that look to intensify existing urban settlements, either in the centre, suburbs or on the edge;
  • Linked Places: those developments that are linked to, and make use of the existing infrastructure of an existing urban settlement. These include, for example, satellite developments, urban extensions and small settlements, such as garden villages; or
  • Autonomous Places: new settlements of a sufficient scale to be self-contained in terms of requiring, maintaining and operating their own urban infrastructure.


We encourage competitors to form multidisciplinary teams of urban designers; architects; planning, policy and community specialists; landscape designers; development economists; and others and others with local knowledge and general insight. Submissions from international teams and students are welcome.


This competition contains an anonymous design element. In order to maintain anonymity, competitors are requested to register on the competition website in order to receive a unique reference code, in the format NIC-XXXX.


At the first stage, competitors are asked to set out their high level concept ideas for potential solutions of one of the broad development typology groupings - or, if appropriate suggest a new or hybrid typology.

Entries will be received up to Thursday 3 August 2017.

Entries for the first stage of this competition should be submitted via email to the following address:


An honorarium of £10,000 will be paid to all shortlisted teams on completion of the second stage of the competition. No other payment of any kind will be made in respect of any costs associated with, or incurred in, the preparation and submission of any entry or as part of the competition.


  • Stage One Launch | Friday 30 June
  • Stage One Deadline | Thursday 3 August
  • Shortlist Announced | Mid-August
  • Stage Two Launch | Mid-August
  • Briefing Workshop | Late August
  • Charrette | Early September
  • Stage Two Deadline | Late September
  • Jury Interviews | Late October
  • Winner Announced | Early November


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